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发布人:    发布时间:2022-10-12    【打印此页】

报告题目:Vanishing viscosity limit of solution to initial boundary value problem for compressible magneto-hydrodynamics equations

报 告 人:谢峰 教授


报告时间:2022-10-13(周四)   8:30-11:30

腾讯会议ID: 794 364 7383  


 In this talk we will discuss the Inviscid limit of solution to initial boundary value problem for compressible magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) equations in Sobolev spaces, where the velocity is imposed the no-slip boundary condition. And the effects of the normal component of magnetic field, tangential component of magnetic field and magnetic diffusion on the mathematical analysis for stability of MHD boundary layer and inviscid limit of solution to compressible MHD equations will be addressed. And we also talk over some difference in the analysis of inviscid limit and stability of boundary layer between compressible and incompressible MHD equations.


谢峰 上海交通大学教授、博士生导师,副经理。主要研究兴趣包括流体力学中非线性偏微分方程解的多尺度分析和奇异极限等,特别是Prandtl流体边界层的稳定性和高雷诺数极限的数学理论。部分研究成果发表于Comm. Pure and Appl. Math.,Jour. Funct. Anal., SIAM J. Math. Anal. 等学术期刊上,目前担任CPAA杂志编委。



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