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发布人:    发布时间:2021-12-10    【打印此页】


        报告题目: High-fidelity spectral/hp element methods in Fluid Mechanics

        报 告 人:徐辉 研究员


        报告时间:2021-11-12 (周日)   15:00-17:30




        This talk will give a brief overview of the recent advances in high-fidelity numerical modelings and their applications in fluid mechanics, including implicit large-eddy simulation (iLES), transition and separated flows. Understanding and analysing complex physical phenomena in fluid flows significantly depend on precisely solving the governing equations, which offer the promise for reliable and accurate evaluation of scientific and engineering strategies in real applications. This talk will discuss the recent developments in enhancing stability and efficiency of high-fidelity large-scale simulations of complex flows. It will show that introducing high-fidelity numerical approaches into applications areas not only benefits the area, but also provides return benefits on understanding and implementations of these methods. This talk will be finalised with some perspectives of applying these methods in computational aeroacoustics.



        徐辉,上海交通大学航空航天学院副教授,上海市特聘专家,帝国理工荣誉研究员。主要从事流体力学、应用数学及计算数学、人工智能及机器学习在流体学中的应用研究。“国家CFD2035远景论证”项目组专家,国际杂志Journal of Hydrodynamics 执行编委。国际会议“高保真计算方法及应用国际研讨会”常务秘书。近年来,在复杂流动高精度计算、湍流、转捩、流动稳性及控制等方面从事理论及应用研究。在国家自然科学基金、EPSRC、空客、罗尔斯•罗伊斯、庞巴迪、迈凯轮等资助下,主要科研成果发表在在Journal of Fluid Mechanics、Journal of Computational Physics、SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing等国际杂志。



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