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发布人:    发布时间:2021-01-21    【打印此页】


        报告题目:The finite volume element method in ALE framework for the time-dependent convection-diffusion equation on moving domain



        报告时间:2021-1-23  9:30-12:00;

        腾讯会议ID931 309 229



        This talk develops the finite volume element method in Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian framework (ALE-FVEM) for the time-dependent convection-diffusion problem on moving domain. We present two fully discrete schemes based on the conservative ALE form of the equation, where the implicit Euler method and geometric conservation laws (GCL) are utilized. The stability and error estimates of the two fully discrete schemes are proved for the first time, and the scheme satisfied the GCL is a better choice for long time problem. Finally, some numerical experiments are provided to confirm the theoretical results.


        李永海,吉林大学数学学院教授、博导,从事偏微分方程有限体积元法的研究,在高阶元最佳对偶剖分构造及L2误差估计方面获突破进展,研究成果发表在SiamJ Numer Anal,Math Comp,JSC等国际著名计算数学类期刊上。主持了自然科学基金面上项目四项。指导毕业博士生十六人。



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